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SBS (Sick Building Syndrome) Inspections

Sick Building Syndrome is a term used to describe a condition where building occupants experience health and comfort related effects which appear to be linked to a specific building’s indoor air environment but no specific cause or illness has been identified.

Symptoms such as sudden headache, nausea, dry cough, itchy skin, eye, nose or throat irritations, dizziness, fatigue, body aches, or difficulty in concentration. Additionally, an unpleasant odor or taste can appear when time is spent inside a particular building or space. They disappear relatively soon after a person leaves the enclosed space or building.

BRI (Building Related Illness Inspections)

BRI (Building Related Illness) is a term used to describe a condition where similar discomfort and Health related conditions are being experienced but these symptoms are more wide spread and can be clinically defined and have clearly identifiable causes.

Inspections & Testing

Determining whether occupants are suffering from SBS or BRI can be difficult. It requires a comprehensive plan of inspection and testing to determine the primary causation factors and whether or not they can produce reversible symptoms or long-term diagnosable illnesses.

Possible Causation Factors

  • Overall poor indoor air quality
  • Inadequate ventilation
  • Elevated VOC’s- Chemical contaminants
  • Elevated gasses- Co2, CO, No2, O3
  • Biological contaminants such as molds, bacteria, mycotoxins, or viruses
  • Carbon black soot or smoke
  • Formaldehyde
  • Drug use residual
  • Elevate Particle Mass (PM)
  • Pesticides
  • Noisy work environment
  • Elevated or inadequate Illuminance
  • Excessive dust
  • High or low Moisture content – RH%
  • HVAC related- Biofilm, poor filtration or refrigerant leaks

Upon completion of this study, a comprehensive plan to restore the building indoor environment will be provided and discussed with the building’s ownership or management.