Response to COVID-19
In response to the SARS-CoV-19 novel Coronavirus pandemic, our previous experience with Biohazards and recent training and certifications acquired, allow us to provide Risk Mitigation Services that include: Site Investigations, testing, and removal of the virus from your environment, development of a site-specific C&D (clean and disinfect) protocol based upon the CDC models being developed continuously. The successful implementation of this program will be documented with a Certificate of Compliance for your property or business.
We are ready to meet your needs. Contact Keith Roe at 610 972 1293 or for an immediate response.
Pandemic Preparedness
Pandemic Preparedness goes beyond following CDC clean and disinfect Guidelines, practicing social distancing and wearing face coverings. It entails the careful evaluation of many factors within the occupied building. How the building is going to be used by employees and customers ? What HAVC and environmental controls are in place ? Proper ventilation, filtration and use of supplemental UVCGI or BPI are also critical factors in stopping the COVID 19 spread inside the building. The viral cloud can extend the infectious virus out to 26’ from the source and remain airborne for up to 18 hours or more.
Continual testing and research are revealing the a major transmission route of the virus is by airborne transmission. A well designed Pandemic Preparedness plan incorporates all critical factors and advises the property owner where to put their investment in making the building a safer place for employees and customers. There is no cost for the initial discussion and clarification by a continually trained and certified
Pandemic consultant.
COVID-19/ IAQ Compliant Buildings Services
These services are developed to prepare a building for reopening for continued use by employees and customers and to design a CDC compliant C&D (clean and disinfect) ongoing program for the best health and safety of the occupants. Any other critical IAQ condition will also be monitored and reviewed for needed action. Each phase can be implemented in separate progressive steps as desired.
Phase I Evaluation Program:
1. A comprehensive building and HVAC inspection is performed monitoring the 10 most common IAQ problem areas. The inspection includes critical points as defined by ASHRAE 62, ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force , August 19, 2020 and applicable CDC Clean and disinfect programs. This is performed by an experienced and certified IEP who also will take at least 4 designated surface samples to detect the RNA/DNA presence of SARS CoV-2 virus.
2. Inspection of the HVAC system(s) for microbial or biofilm presence as well as a surface test for SARS CoV-2 virus.
3. A written evaluation of lab results and findings will be provided by an experienced and certified IEP which includes a remedial scope of work consistent with all published standards and Guidelines. A budget will be developed for required mitigation services.
Phase II - C&D Services Program
Scopes of Work Provided For:
1. A standards compliant C&D (Clean and Disinfect) program will be defined specifically for this site’s primary use and ongoing operation. This will utilize only EPA registered disinfectant products or devices in compliance with the CDC and CIRI (Cleaning Industry Research Standards). The required use of combined HEPA filtration and UV-C disinfection to reduce any airborne transmission is included during this process.
2. A NADCA based air duct cleaning and disinfection of the forced air systems using Chlorine dioxide gas is performed. Each system will be re-inspected after completion for visual cleanliness and resampled for the presence of SARS C0V-2 RNA.
3. Any other identified Environmental problem(s) of critical nature will be addressed after a discussion with and approval by the client.
(services will be quoted for approval)
Phase III - Compliance Verification
1. A reinspection and required testing will be performed which includes a repeat of SARS CoV-2 using qPCR analysis of any previously infected surfaces.
2. An ongoing cost-effective program of cleaning and disinfection for prevention of the Coronavirus transmission will be provided. This may be integrated with the building’s planned cleaning and maintenance schedule to include HVAC.
3. Upon satisfactory inspection and test results a Certificate of Compliance and Preparedness will be issued for that building site.
Advanced IAQ Solutions’ COVID Cleaning And Disinfecting Services
The COVID-19 era magnifies the difference between cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning removes germs and impurities from surfaces, whereas disinfecting completely kills them. Both actions are necessary and can help slow down virus transmission.
Advanced IAQ Solutions has elevated their cleaning and disinfecting services for the pandemic, according to official guidelines set forth from health agencies.
We perform all our services with products specifically designated by these agencies to fight COVID-19 while using and wearing personal protective equipment as safeguards for both our employees and yours.
Show MoreEnvironmental Consulting and COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Services
Advanced IAQ Solutions works with businesses to develop and enact action plans for certified COVID air quality testing and curbing the spread of the coronavirus. Our environmental quality plans incorporate strategies as issued from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. We also help businesses attain COVID safety standards as set forth from the CDC, WHO, EPA, and OSHA.
Show MoreCOVID Air Quality Test And Surface Test
New procedures are in place for evaluating ambient air and surfaces for the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID. Certified COVID air quality testing is vital because businesses are responsible for the overall health and safety of their employees and customers during operating hours.
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